Whether you are a seasoned blogger or just beginning your journey you are more than likely familiar with the excitement surrounding yearly blogging conferences. Last year I attended my first conference here in Florida and it was a wonderful experience in which I was able to connect with fellow bloggers and brands while building my network. Attending a conference can open up many doors for a blogger and it can also help to build your relationships with other bloggers in your area. Not only do you take home some pretty cool swag but you gain a wealth of knowledge that will help you to improve various aspects of your blog from writing to photography. It’s a learning experience that will make you a better influencer and provide an easy way to get yourself out there in the vast world of blogging.
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Lumpy Bumpy Monster Candy Cupcakes #Treats4All
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias #Treats4All
It’s no mystery that Halloween is high on the list when it comes to my favorite holidays. Last month I got a head start and began sharing a few of my ghoulish recipes to get into the spirit. As we approach the spooky day of celebration my gears have been locked into creative mode and there has been quite a bit of hocus pocus going on in the kitchen. As much as I enjoy nibbling on Halloween candy before and after the big day, it has become a staple ingredient in my creations lately. These Lumpy Bumpy Monster Candy Cupcakes bring the best of my two favorite treats together- cake and candy. Using the Wonka Mix Ups I was able to bring those fun lumpy bumpy creatures to life!
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A Multi-Tasking Mommy’s Secret Energy Boost With 5-Hour ENERGY® Shots #ThisIsMySecret
People ask me all the time, “How the heck do you it all?” The truth is I don’t really know. At times I amaze myself with my superwoman capabilities. Fairy dust? Clicking my heels together? Enchanted cape? I assure you it’s much more simple than that. Try a magical potion I like to call 5-hour ENERGY® shots. Multi tasking has always been part of my nature and since becoming a mother I have mastered it without even trying. While the Summer is here and it’s typically time to kick back and relax, I still have everyday commitments to keep up with. In addition to keeping my little one busy and entertained I still have work, school, and blogging to do. There aren’t enough hours in the day and I am lucky if I get a cat nap in between all of these activities! Tired may be an understatement but I will fill you in on a little secret that keeps this machine well oiled and running
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Fresh Fruit Smoothie Popsicles With Kefir Probiotics #KefirCreations
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
On any given trip to the grocery store you could immediately observe two things about the contents of my shopping basket. The first would be that I may possibly be a rabbit with the amount of lettuce and fresh fruit I eat. Following my love for leafy greens and nature’s candy, I also have a slight addiction to yogurt of all flavors and varieties. Recently I added smoothies to this list because they are the best of both worlds combined. While the creamy taste of a fruit smoothie always hits the spot there is nothing better than knowing what you are consuming is chalk full of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics. All of which support digestive health and overall wellness. Lifeway Kefir makes a killer smoothie and even more delicious homemade popsicles that the whole family will enjoy!
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Celebrate With Hallmark Poster Cards For Kids #KidsCards #CollectiveBias
When Toodie & I made the big move from Colorado back to Florida I was sad to leave our friends and their children behind. In the past five years we must have sent a ton of birthday cards, thinking of you cards, good luck cards, and kid’s cards to keep us connected. I was pretty worried after the move because the majority of my circle here in FL are single, just getting married, or childless! Luckily her father has quite a few friends who have kids the same age as her. One of them, who is more like his brother, has an adorable little boy named Matthew. It was friendship at first site and they quickly clicked after their initial play date.
Spark Summer Time Creativity With Juicy Juice + Crayola #UltimatePlaydate #CollectiveBias
As a parent I have always encouraged my daughter to explore activities she enjoys and those that help her grow. This includes playtime. In our home playtime is just another outlet for learning. It isn’t limited but rather nurtured. Whether it’s through a puppet show, crafting, dress up with our pug Chloe, or collecting stones outside for her nature collage- we are learning together. Playtime promotes creativity, imagination, and allows children to gain an understanding of the world around them. Not to mention, it’s just plain old FUN. Even as an adult I find myself taking advantage of playtime. I almost forgot how entertaining it is to get a box of crayons and some white paper, drawing whatever comes to mind.
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Perfectly Peachy Pineapple Smoothie With Bigelow Tea
Before the year began I had a solid list of resolutions and changes that I vowed to stick to, no matter how tough the temptation. One of these being my love, addiction, and urge to drink the fizzy beverage known as soda. Does anyone really stick to their resolutions and promises for more than a few weeks, maybe even days? I know what you’re thinking, it’s almost impossible to keep the willpower going strong! For me it was easier said than done. While I never paid attention to the unhealthy affects of soda, I came to realize that there were other options that would quench my thirst without harming my body. This is why I started drinking tea, hot and cold. Whether it’s fruit flavored or green, the brand that I prefer is Bigelow Tea.
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Control Your Appetite & #StopSnacking With Full Core Refreshments! #cBias
Anxious to try the sparkling beverage, I popped a couple of cans into the refrigerator and waited for them them to chill. It is best served cold and is even better poured over a cup of ice. I left mine in over night and decided to start the next day with Full Core in hand. After dropping my daughter off at school and running errands I was tired, hungry, and thirsty! Using Full Core as a cure I couldn’t believe how refreshed and re-vitalized I felt. The taste is amazing. It is almost indentical to a lemon lime soda. Even better there was no after taste or jittery feeling. Within about 10 minutes I was no longer hungry and felt much more hydrated. I was surprised that I did not even have a slight urge to pick up a snack. Full Core completely satisfied me and left me feeling full. This is exactly the product I need to push me into losing the holiday pounds. Combined with a continuous work out plan and healthy eating, Full Core is going to be a vitale part in my journey.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This content has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Full Core. #StopSnacking #CBias #SocialFabric
Creating Valentine’s Day Memories With Kleenex #ShareTheSoft #cBias
Through the years the Kleenex® brand has become a dependable part of my family. It is always there to wipe away tears, clean messy faces, and soothe runny noses. It also doesn’t ask any questions! I grew up having a box in every single room of our home, and today not much has changed. I have very fond memories of Kleenex®. Although no one enjoys being sick, this is when I would spend the most time with my trusty box of boogie wipers. Whenever I was feeling under the weather my mom would come home with soup, a tub of ice cream, and a nice big box of tissues to call my very own. I was set and for some reason I felt better plopped on the couch with my Kleenex® right next to me. Today I am passing on the admiration to my daughter, who seems to be sick a lot more often than I would like. With a stock pile in each bedroom and bathroom, there are never any unattended sniffles in this house.
As a result of Toodie going to school regularly I notice that she comes down with a bad cold at least a few times a month. In the past year we have gone through our Kleenex® supply quicker than expected. With it running low we decided to take a trip to Walmart and replenish. When we arrived there was an organized display with different sizes and types of packages to choose from. I picked up a few boxes of the popular Ultra Soft and a convenient To-Go Pack to keep in the car. Now it was time to get home and get crafting. Since Valentine’s Day is a few weeks away I thought it would be fun to make a homemade treat box to hold cards and goodies.
Here is a list of the supplies you will need:
- Empty box of Kleenex® tissues
- Valentine’s Day themed wrapping paper
- Large googly eyes
- Foam shaped heart cut outs
- Rectangle foam sheets
- Elmer’s glue
- Red sparkle felt
- Glue gun
- Shape stencil
Your Owl Valentine Box can be used to hold cards, candy, or loves notes. You can even place the original tissues back into the top of the box and use it as a tissue holder for the month of February. Until Valentine’s Day gets closer we are using ours as a decoration! Empty Kleenex® tissue boxes are great for crafting and creating.
Attached to the 4 pack bundle of Ultra Soft Kleenex® was a peel away coupon which would allow us to redeem a FREE streaming movie on Vudu.com. Once the coupon was removed, a unique 16 digit code was revealed. By visiting www.walmart.com/kleenex I was able to create a Vudu account and browse through the movie selection. Compared to other video streaming websites, there were many choices and new releases to choose from. It was very easy to navigate through and there were movies that everyone in the family could enjoy. In addition to the $4 credit, I also received 10 free movie rentals by signing up for the first time. The complimentary Vudu codes can be found on specially marked Ultra Soft and Lotion 4 packs.
After looking through the many categories and genres, Toodie was stuck between Coraline and Frankenweenie. I can tell that I passed on my love of Tim Burton movies to her! She ended up going with Coraline and I proceeded to the rent the movie within seconds. As a 24 hour rental, you can continuously go back and check your Vudu account to see the remaining time left. If you have a child that is anything like mine, they may want to watch the movie two or three times! Having this reminder available is very helpful. Vudu is really starting to grow on me.
As if it wasn’t already convenient enough, Vudu movies can be streamed directly to many different devices. These include your HDTV, Blu-ray, PS3, Xbox 360, Roku, PC, and even select tablets. I love watching movies on my IPad. It makes things so much easier! After creating out Valentine’s Day #ShareTheSoft craft, there was no better way to relax than to watch a fun movie together. With all of her stuffed puppies tucked in and a full bed of comfy pillows, we snuggled up and enjoyed Coraline together. It’s the moments like this that make me appreciate being a mom and thankful that Kleenex® helps to make them possible everyday! This Valentine’s Day be sure to #ShareTheSoft and the love with your family too.
To get a closer look at my Walmart shopping trip and Vudu.com experience, stop by my Google+ album.
You can get more information on Kleenex® products by visiting the Walmart website. You can also interact with the brand and other fans by following along on Facebook and Twitter.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Kleenex® Brand Tissues #CBias #SocialFabric
Making Bedtime Comfy With GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats #HuggiesWalmart #CBias

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Huggies. #HuggiesWalmart #CBias #SocialFabric