Known for their crazy, colorful, and magical hair – our favorite mystical creatures are back on the big screen. Celebrate their return and the newest DreamWorks TROLLS movie with Poppy’s Pink Sparkle Trolls Slime Jars!
Nothing compares to the nostalgia induced by one of your favorite films being re-introduced to a new generation, some of which have never even heard of a Treasure Troll with a jeweled belly to compliment its vibrant hair-do. As a child of the 90’s, they were practically the most coveted collection of toys I owned. Until now, these cheerful dolls were just a fond memory for the retro-crazed collectors who found joy in their cute scrunched up smiles. When I found out that W was bringing them to life in an animated movie, I was “high as their hair” excited to see TROLLS in theaters. Their colorful world full of flowers, singing, dancing, and happiness, is one worthy of getting immersed in. DreamWorks TROLLS is a musical extravaganza filled with adventure, comedy, and wonder for the whole family.
To prepare for movie night with our favorite furry headed trolls, we made pink sparkly trolls slime and Poppy themed jars to store it in. If you haven’t seen the movie just yet, Poppy is a responsible and loyal troll who risks her life embarking upon a journey to save her friends. She’s upbeat, peppy, and convinced that all problems can be solved with a song, dance, or BIG hug. It’s tough not to love her flamingo pink skin and spunky personality. This little project is perfect for tiny hands and doesn’t take much work. Plus, I’m going to show you how to make your mason jars look just like Poppy, too!
Let’s start by making the glittery trolls slime. You will need hot pink glitter glue, Borax, warm water, and a bowl.
Pour the entire bottle of glue into a bowl. The one I’m using is 4 oz., but the Elmer’s Glitter Glue is 6 oz. so keep this in mind when measuring your water/Borax ratio in the next step. You may or may not have to adjust the mixture depending on how your slime is forming.
Pour 1/4 cup of warm water into the glue and mix together. Add in 1 teaspoon of Borax and continue to mix until it forms a thicker texture. I’s much easier to do if you just use your hands to squish all the ingredients together so the Borax gets distributed evenly.
This step is a science so don’t get frustrated if it ends up being too watery at first. Just add a little more Borax to it and stir. Don’t over-do it because if you add more than needed, it will become stiff quickly and form more of a putty. It should be gooey, wet, and slide right through your fingers.
Store the slime in a mason jar until it’s ready to be played with.
For the Poppy jars you will need hot pink crafting fur, lime green pipe cleaners, blue scrapbooking flowers, mason jar lids, and a hot glue gun. The amount of fur to use will depend on how large your lids are. For the small ones, I cut out a strip 6 inches long and 5 inches wide.
Carefully hot glue the longer side of the fur strip to the bottom edge of the mason jar lid, all the way around until it’s completely covered. The fur should be laying in a downward motion. Make sure to also glue the overlap so there is not a visible opening.
Gather the top of the hair with your fingers, folding in the sides to form a point. Use scissors to trim the edges into the shape you desire. It should look like a triangle on top, just like the Troll’s signature hair-do. Glue all of the edges together and fan out the hair to hide an seams that may peek through.
For Poppy’s headband, attach three flowers the center of a pipe cleaner, spaced about a half an inch apart.
Wrap the headband around the hair, an inch from the bottom, and twist ends together in the back. Now you can fill the jar with Poppy’s Pink Sparkle Trolls Slime!
Now you can Bring Home Happy with DreamWorks Trolls on Blu – ray™ and DVD. The Blu-ray offers an interactive PARTY MODE that takes movie night to the next level. Each of the four features allows you to engage with the scenes by using your remote control. Drop cupcakes, sprinkle glitter, high-five for awesomeness, and also share those “OH-SNAP” moments with Mr. Dinkles.
Ready to “Sing. Dance. Laugh. & Repeat!” with the whole family? In addition to making trolls slime, here’s a few other fun activities you can do with your children to get them excited.
Is your family lovin’ the new DreamWorks TROLLS movie as much as we are? Enter below to win DreamWorks Trolls on Blu-ray!
I have not seen the Trolls movie, but I think my daughter would love it.
not yet
I have not seen this but I feel like I know every second of it play by play from my little granddaughter. She has been going on over this movie for weeks now. The songs are in my head like when my daughter was into Frozen. She would love to have this movie and honestly, I would like to watch it with her.
Oh we have not seen it before but looking forward to watching it at home! She is only 1 so taking her to the theatre can be a challenge!
We have seen the movie and it’s such a cute movie. We really enjoyed it!
Haven’t seen yet, but will enjoy at home
Yes, we have seen the movie, and we loved it!
We haven’t seen it yet but can’t wait to see it at home!
I saw Trolls with my daughter and grandkids. My 2 yr old granddaughter is so obsessed with Trolls
We have watched Trolls a few times now and love it! I don’t know who loves it more, me or my 8 year old!
This seems like such an adorable movie, I would love to share the fun with my daughter.
I have not seen the trolls movie, but my girls already love them. I use to have trolls as a kid… so would love to see this movie
I have not. My girls are grown but I have a granddaughter who is 2 and she is excited to see it. I got her a troll for Christmas.
We did go and see this at the movies and I’d love to watch it again at home!
We haven’t seen it yet but can’t wait to see it on DVD.
I did not get a chance to see this movie in theaters but I am looking forward to watching it with my family at home. Thanks for the giveaway,
I have not seen this movie yet but would love to watch it with the grandchildren.
The jar looks PERFECT! I totally thought it was something you bought at the store – and then I realized, duh, you do crafts on your blog! LOL
Yes, and I’d love to own it – super cute! <3
I have not seen it yet but am excited to.
I haven’t watched it yet, but I’m really excited to see it as it looks hilarious.
I have not seen it yet. I want to see it at home,so I can enjoy it with my granddaughter.
I’ll admit I haven’t seen the movie yet.
I have not seen the Trolls movie yet
My daughter & I saw Trolls in the theater & loved it! Would love to be able to watch it again at home with the whole family!
I am excited to see Trolls at home with my grand daughter and share the excitement together!
We haven’t seen this yet so we will be enjoying the magic at home.
No, we have not seen it. To expensive to go to the movies.
no I have not seen this movie and I would love to watch it.
No, My daughter wants to see it.
I haven’t seen this yet so I will be enjoying this magic at home.
I haven’t seen it yet but want to!
We haven’t seen it yet, but really want to.
no i havent seen the movie yet but i want to i love trolls
Have not seen it yet, but am very excited to be able to watch it with my step children
We just watched it this weekend.
No I have not seen it yet, but from what the previews were it looks to be a great one to watch with my grandkids.
We haven’t seen Trolls yet because my daughter doesn’t like to watch movies in the theater. I think it will be funny and that the whole family will enjoy it.
I haven’t had the chance to see this movie yet. It looks really good though! My son wants a copy of it for his birthday.
No, don’t go to the movies a lot.
yes and my kids loved it!
I haven’t seen it, but can’t wait to get it on DVD.
Not yet.but excited too see it.
Excited to watch it at home!!
We haven’t see this movie, but would love to 🙂
We haven’t see it yet, but am really looking forward to it.
We love Trolls. We saw it twice at the movies. Such a good movie. We are actually having a Trolls birthday party soon.
My daughter loves this movie!
commented -
I have not seen this but want to watch it at home with my kids.
I have not experienced it yet, but would love to do so with my grandkids!
We’re excited to experience the magic at home! 🙂
I commented with the name “Laura” on this post:
We saw the movie in theaters. My kids loved it.
We saw it in theaters, love poppy!
I commented with the name “Laura” on this post:
We watched it and loved it.
My daughter can’t wait until I bring it home.
We have seen it and really enjoyed it!! 😀
I commented with the name “Laura” on this post:
My Granddaughter would love to see this movie. Her favorite character is Poppy.
Yes we have seen it and my daughter keeps watching the songs on youtube. She wants the movie so bad!
Yes we have seen My kids love it!!
I have not seen it but my daughter and I both want to bad.
We haven’t seen it yet, I know my 5 year old is excited to see it!
We have not seen this yet.
We haven’t seen it.
Yes, we’ve watched Trolls! Great movie!
No we didn’t get to see it in the theaters but we are very excited to see it at home
I have seen it when it was in the movie theaters, such a cute movie.
Haven’t seen it yet but would love to. Looks like a blast.
I haven’t seen it yet , but I can’t wait to watch it with my family!
I love this!! Where did you get the jars from?
Thank you! They’re just mini mason jars. I believe I purchased them at A.C Moore but have also found them at Michael’s.
Hi, yes I’ve seen the movie several times and it’s my 4 year old nieces favorite. I’m going to make these adorable slime jars for her birthday party but I’m wondering how many small mason jars I can fill with the above recipe of 4-6 ounces of glue? I’d really appreciate an approximate number as it’ll save me a second trip to the craft store.
Thank you! Melinda
Is this slime enough for one jar or is the recipe more than one jar?
It’s good for one jar!