When Christmas shopping begins, the first thing most parents aim to tackle is TOYS! I think we can all agree that crossing off our children’s list before others takes a huge weight off our shoulders. For me it is very hard to focus on other family members and friends when all I am thinking about is, “I need to get that Doc Mcstuffin doll before it’s gone!” This season kids are definitely the top priority and going on the hunt for the perfect toy is even more important. Every child has at least one toy they are dying to have and it’s up to us to make sure we get our hands on them! According to the “Jolly Toys Survey” given to multi cultural families, 91% of Hispanic parents agree that it is more important to buy toys for kids versus gifts for the adults in the family. While it is important to give everyone in my family a wonderful Christmas, I do admit to focusing more on my little girl before anyone else.
The survey also showed that most Hispanic parents’ shopping lists are likely to include educational toys, electronic toys, dolls, actions figures, and arts & crafts. I feel like all I have bought this year are Disney Princess dolls and play sets. This is the price I pay for having my own little princess who demands all things girly! I really do enjoy doing my shopping at Walmart because they have exclusive bundles and many toys that are hard to find elsewhere. When Black Friday arrived, I was able to cross off over half of Toodie’s list because of the bargains and sales.
With Walmart continuously offering a wide variety of toys for all ages and genders, shopping has become much easier for moms like me. This time of year allows me to get not only my Christmas shopping done but also my daughter‘s upcoming birthday in the beginning of February. Each year I take advantage of the low prices and get everything I need at once. Before rationing out the holiday and birthday presents, I make sure to choose one special gift that Toodie is allowed to open on Christmas Eve. Half of parents normally wait until Christmas Day to open gifts, but in our family we stick to tradition. Since I was a little girl each person in our family is given one small gift to open the night before. We all sit around the tree, enjoy holiday treats, and spend time together. This is just our way of pumping up the excitement of Christmas morning and a huge delicious brunch made by grandma! Does your family have any fun traditions you have kept through the years or maybe started on your own? I would LOVE to read them!
Enter below if you would like to win a $25 Walmart GC to shop their everyday low prices and HUGE toy selection!
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Walmart via GolinHarris. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Walmart. Now you can fulfill your child’s entire wish list through low prices and additional savings. Visit http://www.walmart.com for more information on holiday shopping this season.
My kids are too old for toys 🙁 but I got my daughter a 1D magazine there for her stocking!
nothing. I bought at Target this summer during their 50-75% off sale on toys
We picked up a cute little nail kit for our nieces! It has polish and a nail dryer. Very cute!
Board games… My son is really into every board game right now. Like Monopoly Millionaire or Battleship…lol!!
I bought cartridges for my son's leap pad
I picked up the Lalaloopsy
I got my Granddaughter a scooter from Walmarts
I picked up a Furreal Friends Puppy.
Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy
I picked up a Furby for a niece and some LEGO star wars sets for my nephews.
I got the Pop the Pig game.
maggie at literary winner dot com
I picked up a tool kit for my son
I got an LOL Elmo !
Board games! Clue 😀
I bought Fibber for my grandson.
[email protected]
I piked up Furby
We got out LeapPad2 at WalMart!
wendykate 99 at yahoo dot com
We got a nerf gun and a board game called Fibber. 🙂
And Brave!
rlahardison at gmail dot com
We got legos:) anne
Lego set and barbie doll house.
The Novi Star dolls.
[email protected]
Legos and a play kitchen
[email protected]
airsoft rifle for my son
WWE figures
Noah's getting games, clothes and techy stuff. He really loves his DS, so he's getting some new games for it 🙂 Walmart has great sales and bundles–making it cheaper to buy those things. I got him two games for the price of one!
Traditions: We *always* eat breakfast at my mom's house on Christmas day. Now, that Santa visits my house, it's become more of brunch. It's something that I look forward to every year. My step-dad cooks sausage biscuits and eggs etc. We drink coffee in our new photo mugs and it's just a fun, relaxing visit. We do presents together, that day, too (even my RooRoo (puppy) gets to wear a Christmas sweater). 🙂 We also do the Christmas Eve gift, at home, too 🙂
None but would someone please buy me a furby?!? LOL .. my boys are grown & I don't have the Ca$h to buy them the big boy toys like an Ipod Touch, video games, headset, etc .. could still use this card 'tho 😉 thanks!
i got Barbies for my daughter
[email protected]
Crayola stuff
I haven't been able to do Christmas shopping this year, I'm broke. I have gotten a few b-day gifts for my fam, but I can't remember what I got them xD
Fibber the game and a couple video games
Got my son a Matchbox big boots truck thing at walmart this year on black Friday!
Lots of Legos!
Star Wars Legos and Pokemon toys.
we got some beyblades
jennifer marie
lilnursejen at yahoo dot com
I have picked up a new furby. Still debating on whether to keep for a present or take back and exchange though for something else.
[email protected]
Becky Richied
lego set for my son
I got some Playdough sets at Walmart for my boys.
Xbox games!
I got some Barbie stuff
stompeez my daughter really wanted them
Got a Fidget for my niece =)
[email protected]
I got some matchbox cars for my grandson and a broom/mop/dustbin set. He loves to clean lol
Little People SUV
Uno Attack game and Barbie clothes – thank you!
WWE toys for my 5 year old.
I haven't got my Christmas shopping done yet.
OzarksUSA (at) gmail (dot) com
We picked up a Wii.
board games
Entered your giveaway as daisy's reviews
lots of barbie toys
Barbie dolls
ann lyfe
I got my daughters laptop and my sons ipod from WalMart.
we picked up a furby!!
no toys from walmart-my kids are 18,19,21 &23! i have, however, picked up socks and underwear for the kids @ walmart! thanks for the giveaway!
I got the Fisher Price loops rollercoaster toy.
cinderella vanity and a fijit
tcogbill at live dot com
I haven't picked up any toys yet but would like to.
skylanders for my nephew for Christmas
Sherri L
Legos…my son loves to collect them (Debra L. Guillen)
I got some Mario toys for my son!
i haven't bought at walmart but at dollat general i picked up some toys for toys for tots
Orbeez Mood lamp and now I see theyve recalled them lol so now I have to figure out something else
A furby. It was a bit more than I'd normally spend but it's for both kids and I hope they really enjoy it.
We bought some legos! Everyone in my house loves Legos.
I bought a Cabbage Patch doll with the same name as my granddaughter.
I picked up a Barbie for my neice and a coloring book for my cousin!
Halo action figures
-Jen Haile
violet laugh and learn puppy and a princess quad
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
Barbie for my daughter and tons of Legos and a couple of Hot Wheels playsets for my sons.
the lalaloopsy dolls and the wii u.
Video Games my kids loved so i bought them some.
Words With Friends board game.
I haven't bought anything yet.
Just purchased Operation game and Jinga.
A Furby and Crayola Color Wonder Lap Desk
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Kreo sets
[email protected]
I wish I was able to pick up the Leappad 2 but I did pick up a Lalaloopsy doll for my little girl.
Hot Wheels for my grandson
A VTech ride on turtle 🙂
(Rafflecopter name: Richelle)
Legos for my grandchildren
Fischer Price camera
Haven't bought any toys. No 2 legged kids. Well, the human kind anyway!!
I picked up Xbox games at Walmart 🙂
I have bought some Transformers and pillow Pets from Walmart.
Lord of the Rings Legos and Monster High Dolls
We bought a Cozy Coupe from Walmart for my son this year.
acartwrightmorell at gmail dot com
disney song palace for my niece, my fb is Michelle Trump and my email is [email protected]
Disney Cars toys
a furby
chew toys for my pets!
Video games 🙂
I got toothbrush sets in pinky pie for the girls.
laptop for my daughter
I got my nephew some lego star wars from Wal-Mart!