The Walmart gift cards and information have been provided by P&G.
Spring isn’t just about cleaning out the clutter and starting fresh. It’s also the season to save and stock up on household must-have items. Shopping for those everyday products we use on a daily basis is a necessity and at times a bit pricey. Once you fill your cart with toilet paper, paper towels, and cleaning products you have already made a dent in your pocket. Now is the time to take advantage of the Walmart Stock and Save Event where you can get your favorite P&G products for affordable prices through the month of April. If there is one thing you can never have too much of it’s toilet paper. There is nothing worse than running out of that essential and we’ve all experienced the anguish of reaching for an empty roll!
During the P&G Stock Up and Save Event you can save on the following items:
- Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent
- Tide Simply Clean and Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent
- Charmin Ultra Soft or Ultra Strong Toilet Paper
- Bounty Mega Roll Select-A-Size Paper Towels
- Luvs Super Absorbent Diapers
- Pampers Swaddlers Huge Pack
- Tampax Pearl Plastic, Super Absorbency
- Always Ultra Thin Long Super Unscented Pads
- Always Discreet Maximum Underwear
- Always Discreet Moderate Regular Length Pads
Given my regular weekly trips to Walmart I have already stocked up on the products I need and use on a regular basis including laundry detergent and toilet paper. I find that shopping during these sales not only saves me money in the long run but also keeps me from having to make trips to the store as frequently. Walmart already offers everyday low prices so the roll back events are just another way to get the most of your money.
The P&G Stock Up and Save Event is running through April 30th. To help you get started I am giving away a $25 Walmart Gift Card to one lucky reader. You can enter below!
I would stock up on Tide.
I will be stocking up on the bounty mega roll paper towels because we go through so many especially during the summer. I will also be stocking up on the Tide simply clean and fresh laundry detergent because I always use tide for my laundry.
I would stock up on Tide pods.
I would definitely be stocking up on Bounty paper towels. I'd get some Pampers for my grandson, too!
I would stock up on pampers swaddlers.
I am stocking up on the Charmin Bath Tissue and the Bounty Paper Towels!
i will buy bounce dryer sheets
Charmin for sure
I'll stock up on Tide!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I would stock up on Tide and Pampers.
I would like to get Tide and Charmin.
I would stock up on Charmin
I will stock up on bounty paper towels.
I will be stocking up on Bounty and Tide during the P&G Stock Up & Save Event.
I'll stock up on Tide detergent
I will stock up on Charmin toilet paper.
I would stock up on Charmin toilet paper.
I would stock up on Tide laundry detergent.
I will be stocking up on the Charmin ultra soft bath tissue and Tide 🙂
I will stock up on Tide and bounty paper towels.
I Will Be Stocking Up On Tide And Bounty.
Entry Name- Heather Hayes Panjon
i would buy pampers
[email protected]
I would stock up on Bounty Paper Towels and Tide.
I need some gilette razors pretty badly.
I would stock up on Tide and Charmin.
I'll stock up on Charmin.
Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet Paper
I'll buy Gain detergent
I would stock up on Pampers and Bounty.
Bounty and charmin!
Charmin Ultra Strong and Tide!!
I will stock up on Tide.
Tampax for sure!
I would like to stock up and save on Charmin Ultra Strong Toilet Paper.
I will be stocking up on tide detergent.
I need to stock up on Always ultra thin pads and Charmin tissue.
I'll be stocking up on tide!
I would stock up on bounty.
I would stock up on Bounty and Tide.
I will stock up on Bounty paper towels!
I will stock up on Tide!
Kimmy Ripley
I would stock up on Charmin. Thanks.
I would stock up on Tide, Bounty and Charmin products
Tide and TP.
We could definitely stock up on Charmin.
I will be stocking up on Tide and Charmin.
I will be stocking up on Charmin tissue and the Tampax. Thanks bunches!
I will sock up on Tide Products.
Thanks for the chance to win this 🙂
This is such a great array of products. One for sure would be the Tide Simply Clean and Fresh Liquid Laundry Detergent. This would be great because I work in a hospital and have to wash so frequently!
i will stock up on tide and bounty
I'll be stocking up on Charmin and Bounty paper towels.
thank you
I would stock up on Tide.
tide and charmin
I'll be stocking up on toiletries and cleaning supplies.
I would love to stock up on the Bounty Paper Towels and the Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper!
Definitely on the paper goods! We are always out of paper towels at our house! The laundry detergent as well. The email that works best for me is [email protected]
With a baby on the way we would stock up on the pampers.
I will be stocking up on Tide, Bounty and Bounce.
I will be getting Charmin, Bounty, Tide and Pampers.
I would stock up on Charmin Toilet Paper.
I will be stocking up on Tide and Charmin.
Being a single dad and raising my 5 kids, we use a lot of Charmin and Bounty paper towels
I will be stocking up on Bounty Paper Towels.
I will be stocking up on the Charmin for sure.
I will be stocking up on Bounty Paper Towels and charmin toilet tissue
We would stock up on Bounty paper towels, Tide detergent & Gillette razors
I would stock up on tide , charmin and downy, Thank you!
I will stock up on laundry detergent and paper products!!
I'll definitely be stocking up on Tide and Bounty!
I'll be stocking up on Charmin for sure.
Laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, hygiene products. Everything I can
I would stock up on the tide laundry detergent first and tampax also.
I would stock up on charmin toilet paper and bounty paper towels and always pads.
I would stock upon Tide laundry detergent
Laundry detergent definitely!
Definitely Pampers!
I will be stocking up on Bounty paper towels and Pampers diapers.
I will be stocking up on Tide and Charmin!
I'll be sure to stock up on lots of proctor and gamble products of Bounty Mega Roll Select-A-Size Paper Towels, I make my own handy wipes from them too. Thanks
Tide and bounty paper towels for sure!
I will be stocking up on bounty and Charmin. My household goes through these 2 products so fast!
bounty and charmin!
I most definitely will be stocking up on Tide, Bounty, Charmin and Pampers!
Stocking up on Charmin ultra soft which is all we use!
Tide is my stock up product. We do a lot of laundry
I would stock up on Tide. We always need detergent.
I always need Always products and could use things like pamapers.
I would stock up on Bounty paper towels, Charmin toilet paper and Tide laundry detergent.
Charmin and Tide
I would love to stock up on Bounty paper towels!
I would stock up on pampers swaddlers for my little one I'm expecting this summer.
Bounty Mega Roll Select-A-Size Paper Towels
I would stock up on Charmin and Tide!
I'd stock upon Tide detergent, and bounty towels.